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Meet the Author of
The Grand Experiment Series
Dr. Carl Werner
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In his sophomore year of college, Dr. Carl Werner was challenged by a fellow classmate with these words: “I bet you can’t prove evolution.” Disturbed by his classmate’s somewhat poignant criticisms of the theory, Dr. Werner (a biology major at the time*) pondered this conversation for some time. From this point, he began his quest for an answer. Driven by his stringent scientific background and exceedingly curious nature, Dr. Werner read and researched every topic he could find on evolution, including paleontology, geology, biology, and biochemistry. After 18 years of study (1979-1997), Dr. Werner considered himself ready to begin a series of experiments by which to test evolution. It was his Grand Experiment to test the theory and determine it veracity.
Over the next nearly three decades, 1997-present, Dr. Werner then traveled 298,000 miles to 45 dig sites around the globe, 122 museums and universities, photographing thousands of original fossils and the actual fossil layers where they were found. He also interviewed more than 100 experts in the field.
In Volume 1, EVOLUTION: THE GRAND EXPERIMENT, THE QUEST FOR AN ANSWER and the accompanying video, Dr. Werner explains the framework for the theory of evolution to the public and enlightens the reader with scientific pros and cons offered by the some of the world’s most respected scientists interviewed during his travels.
In Volume 2, LIVING FOSSILS, and the accompanying video, Dr. Werner asks the simplest question: Was life completely different in the past (evolution) or did some animals and plants simply go extinct (creation)? To get the answer to that question, Dr. Werner compared fossils from the rock layers containing dinosaur bones to modern animals and plants and presents this as a photographic essay in his book and video entitled, LIVING FOSSILS.
In Volumes 3 and 4, Dr. Werner tackles the compelling question: Did humans evolve from apes? Readers are given a rare insight into the world of anthropology, the major ape-man fossils, and the scientists who found them. During this travel and research, Dr. Werner documented more than 150 frauds committed by scientists working in the field of human evolution (which are enumerated in the accompanying 6-part television miniseries).
The approach Dr. Werner takes in explaining some of his findings is both refreshing and appealing, always allowing the reader to reach their own conclusions. Of particular interest is that much of the information Dr. Werner presents in his book and video series has not been previously heard by the public. His hope is that this book and video series will be the starting point for a national discussion about the veracity of the evidence for the theory of evolution, in light of his findings.
* Dr. Werner conducted research on the chelating agent EDTA at an animal research facility at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, while he was in high school. For this, he received a four-year all-tuition science scholarship from the Curators of the University of Missouri. He then received his undergraduate degree in biology, with distinction, at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, graduating summa cum laude (perfect 4.0 GPA). He received his doctoral degree in medicine at the age of 23 at the accelerated 6-year medical school at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. He received a special letter of recognition from the Dean of the medical school. Later he scored in the top 1% of all physicians in the United States on his clinical medical boards. Formerly he was an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at Saint Louis University and both the Director and Assistant Director of several emergency departments in and around St. Louis, Missouri. He is double board certified. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Truman State University, the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, Canada, The University of Missouri, St. Louis and Southeast Missouri State University.
You may follow Dr. Werner on Twitter @DrCarlWerner