What Can I Do?
You may ask yourself: How can I make a difference? How can I impact the world? How can I help get the word out about evolution vs. creation? Here are some ideas how you can spread the word about Evolution: The Grand Experiment.
The best way to financially help this project is to gift streaming access to the video series to others or buy DVDs from this website and pass them onto your friends, family or school.
Ask your local school or homeschool co-op to implement the four-semester long GRAND EXPERIMENT curriculum. Teaching students about the problems with the theory of evolution will have a large impact, since today’s students will be tomorrow’s leaders
Write a review on Amazon: The review can be just a few sentences long but a five-star rating is extremely important. To write a review, click here.
Tell your friends: To get this information to others, we depend upon word of mouth. Tell your friends about the GRAND EXPERIMENT book and video series.
Donate books or DVDS to your church or public library: Check with your librarian about their policies on book and video donations. If they will not accept your donation, ask them to purchase a copy of THE GRAND EXPERIMENT books/DVDs.